Case Studies Employees who Pass the WPP are 4x More Likely to Have Good Attendance

The Challenge

An international data management company wanted to improve the attendance of its call center employees.

The Solution

The company administered the Workplace Productivity Profile (WPP) to 72 of its call center employees. The WPP is an integrity test that evaluates how likely a person is to engage in counterproductive workplace behaviors, including absenteeism, theft, or fraud. Each employee took the test and received either a Low, Medium, or High score. In the context of this study, a Medium or High score was considered a “Pass” and a Low score was considered a “No Pass.” The managers also assigned each employee a separate “attendance” rating ranging from 1 to 5, where a score of 5 represents perfect attendance and a score of 2 or less represents multiple missed days or documented attendance-related disciplinary actions. Then the employees’ WPP scores were compared with the attendance rating given to them by their managers.

The Results

The company found that the employees’ WPP scores were highly correlated with their attendance ratings (r=0.35, p < 0.001). Employees who passed the WPP (with scores of either Medium or High) were over four times more likely to have a good attendance record (a rating of 4 or 5). Employees who passed the WPP had a 47% chance of receiving a strong attendance rating. In contrast, employees who did not pass the WPP only had a 10% chance of receiving a strong attendance rating.

WPP score bar chart
The company also found that the WPP was predictive of general job performance as well. The managers had assigned each of the employees a separate “performance” rating from 1 to 5 and found that employees who passed the WPP had an average performance rating that was 21% higher than those who did not pass the WPP. By administering the WPP in the pre-hire process, the company would see a dramatic increase in both attendance and job performance.

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